Crippling Impact

Jing Xi signed on with Kaidi officially.

The company held a small welcoming party for her, and she was welcomed warmly by her colleagues.

Even though Jing Xi did not have a good look, she was one of the luckiest in the world.

The company prepared a lot of training for her as they planned to turn her into a new star.

All of these were Huo Sanyan's plans.

Jing Xi started to take part in her training, which consisted of form and vocal training every day.

Kaidi even got her a professional photographer to promote her.

Jing Xi also started to record her first single for Kaidi, Scar.

Jing Xi was finally living her dream, and her life was becoming fulfilling.

She thanked Huo Sanyan from the bottom of her heart.

But she did not know that she could not be where she was if not for Huo Yunshen's approval.

After signing Jin Xiaoxi onto her company, Huo Sanyan did not forget to give Longwei a present.