There Were New Discoveries

Helian Qingyu asked someone to bring the presents he'd prepared for the children. Little Apple received a big gift box but he didn't know if he could take it. He turned to look at his mother.

He only accepted it when he saw his mom nod. He said, "Thank you."

The mischievous Little Grape saw that his big brother had received a gift. He put his hands behind his back and very unhappily asked his uncle, "Uncle, Brother Niuniu has a present but why don't I have one? Could it be you aren't my real uncle?"

Oh my gosh!

Helian Qingyu didn't know if he should laugh or cry and lifted Little Grape up. He dotted him on his little nose and said, "I realized something: your sister was the happy beans in the past, but now it is you who are the happy beans. Do you want uncle to die from laughter?"