An Important Clue

It was the ring that Jing Xi had been wearing when she fell off the cliff. Huo Yunshen thought that if the ring was found, it would mean that Jing Xi was still alive.

"Did she come and see you?" Huo Yunshen asked as he grabbed Huo Erqi's hand.

"Calm down and listen!" Huo Erqi scolded. "We got this ring from one of my shops. The manager there told me that someone pawned the ring to them. You should follow the lead and see if you can find Jing Xi or not. I believe Jing Xi is still alive."

Huo Yunshen took the photo with tears in his eyes. The news from his sister was like a warm fire in a cold winter.

He was sure that Jing Xi was still alive after seeing the ring.

"Thank you, sis, thank you so much!" Huo Yunshen cried.

"You don't have to thank me. Hurry up and get her back, will you? I miss her too."

"I will!"

Huo Yunshen's heart was filled with hope again. It was as if his lover was calling out to him.