Chase After

Jing Xi let out a sigh and used her handkerchief to help patch up Jin Hua's wound.

"What did I tell you? You should've listened to my warnings! Look at you now!" Jing Xi scolded.

Jin Hua nodded quietly, telling Jing Xi that she had learned her lesson.

"Go and find a good job after you get back, okay? Don't live like you used to. Remember, everything in life takes effort," Jing Xi said and took out a pile of cash for Jin Hua. "Take this and see if you can do something with it."

Realizing that Jing Xi had not only helped her, but she was even willing to give her cash, Jin Hua burst into tears.

"Xiaoxi… I'm so sorry… I'm such an idiot… I'm so sorry… It should've been you…"

Jin Hua had finally learned her lesson. She was also trying to tell Jing Xi that she was actually the queen.

But Jing Xi did not think much about Jin Hua's words. She only thought of them as apologies.