I Want You

Jing Xi had been impregnated by mistake, or was it not a mistake?

Huo Yunshen could still recall how angry he was when he learned that Jin Xiaoxi was pregnant. But now, he was rejoiced by the fact that he did not make her go through an abortion.

Or else he would have to live with another mistake.

Huo Yunshen could not sleep that night.

But not because of regret. He was thinking of the future that awaited him.

Jing Xi was back, and he had to work harder to make up for all the mistakes and sins he had committed.

He hoped that it wasn't too late.

Jing Xi woke up early to prepare breakfast for the children. She was too focused on the preparation and did not notice a man standing behind her.

When she turned around and saw Huo Yunshen standing by the door, her heart almost jumped out from her mouth.

"My liege!" Jing Xi exclaimed and quickly regained her composure.