Looking Extremely Flustered

Lin Xianjing wanted the bodyguards and assistant to help deliver all the clothes to her makeup room in Kaidi first.

However, the king's assistant said, "Wait! Miss Lin! What our master means is that you need to put on all these clothes today. Otherwise, you can't even take half a step outside Kaidi."

"What? Put on all of it?"

Lin Xianjing felt like something was wrong when she heard this. Did he ask her to put on all of these clothes? How was that possible?

"You didn't hear it wrong. That is the case!" The assistant politely said it as it was.

"Your master really knows how to joke around. How can I possibly put on a hundred clothes?" Lin Xianjing wanted to smile but the smile that appeared looked very rigid.

"Our master never jokes." At this time, the assistant called over the people around him. "Miss Lin does not wish to put them on so you guys should serve her well and help her put them on one by one."