Caused Great Hurt To Her

Huo Yunshen looked at the results from the test and he felt so much pain in his heart that he couldn't breathe. Even his friends and family around him recognized Jing Xi but he, her husband, the person who loved her the most, didn't recognize her.

He really deserved to die!

"Yuoshen, we can understand what you are feeling so you shouldn't be too upset. Learning about it now isn't too late. The good thing is that Jing Xi is still by your side. She and the child have come back safely. What you should do now isn't to feel sad and blame yourself, but to figure out a way to make it up to her."

"I know… but it seems like she has forgotten me… I don't know what I should do to make her remember me… she is really scared of me right now… I caused her great pain… I don't know what I need to do to make up for it…"