Waiting For Her

Jing Xi blanked out for a few seconds before she realized what was happening. She quickly jumped away from Huo Yunshen and stood still like a maid.

"I… I'm here… to… to… to ask why am I living there…"

Jing Xi asked this as she pointed at the room opposite with her reddened face facing the floor. She was too embarrassed to look at Huo Yunshen's well-built body.

"You will be my full-time assistant from now on." Huo Yunshen smiled as he explained. "You will have to be on standby for 24 hours a day. That's why having you living opposite me is the best option. Do you have any problems with that?"


Jing Xi hadn't had the slightest clue that she'd become Huo Yunshen's personal assistant.

And she felt that she wasn't up for the job either.