Hug Her Tightly

Jing Xi brought the three little kids back home and was surprised to see Huo Yunshen waiting for them by the palace door.

Huo Yunshen finished whatever he had to do that day early and had the time to welcome his family back.

The moment Ying Bao and Little Grape saw their father, they ran towards him and into his arms.

"Niuniu, you should go too," Jing Xi encouraged Little Apple, who was still holding her hand.

Little Apple was hesitating a little since his relationship with Huo Yunshen was still at an awkward stage.

But with Jing Xi's encouragement, he slowly walked towards the king. Huo Yunshen saw Little Apple approaching him, and he opened his arms to welcome the little boy too.

After hugging all the kids, Huo Yunshen stood back up and waited for Jing Xi to join them before going back into the palace as a family.

It was Saturday the next day, and Jing Xi promised to play with the kids.