Time Wasted

Jing Xi tried her best to avoid meeting or talking with Huo Yunshen.

But one day, Huo Yunshen asked her to meet him in his room and told her, "Jing Xiaoxi, I'll have to visit Zstan tomorrow."

Jing Xi was literally clapping in her head when she heard the news. She was excited that he wouldn't be around for at least a few days.

But it was too early for her to celebrate as Huo Yunshen continued to say, "Since my arm is like this, I need you to follow me too."

It was as if the sky came down on Jing Xi.

Huo Yunshen shook his arm, and Jing Xi was utterly speechless. She was the one who was responsible for injuring his arm, so it was natural that she had to take care of him.

With the trip set in motion, Jing Xi started to pack that night.

Not only did she have to pack her own stuff, but Jing Xi also had to help Huo Yunshen pack too.

In the end, she packed three big pieces of luggage for Huo Yunshen.