A Good Kisser

Huo Yunshen enjoyed the kiss and did not stop. The woman in his arms gave into his kiss in the end, but he did not proceed any further.

He was wary about the baby, their baby in Jing Xi's belly.

They then took a shower together. Jing Xi's legs were already wobbling from the kiss, and she needed Huo Yunshen to help her get dressed. After helping her dry her hair, Huo Yunshen carried her back to the bedroom.

It was then that Jing Xi realized the golden room back in the palace was an exact replica of the bedroom she was in. It was the room that the king and his former queen used to live in.

Jing Xi knew that she had to leave.

She tried to get up, but Huo Yunshen pushed her back down.

"Don't move, or else I'm going to strip you," Huo Yunshen scolded.

"…" Jing Xi stopped struggling after hearing that.

Huo Yunshen just stared at her for a few seconds before leaving the room.