No One Would've Believed It

Xiao Yuqian had heard about all the tragedies that Jing Xi had gone through.

Jing Xi reappeared in the music industry with her unique voice and became one of the most successful singers ever. It was unable to achieve, and yet Jing Xi managed to do so.

"Thank you."

Jing Xi smiled and took her face mask off, showing the scar on her face. The moment Xiao Yuqian saw the scar, tears filled her eyes.

In her heart, Jing Xi had always been a woman who was elegant and full of pride.

With her memories and beauty lost, Jing Xi had to go through ups and downs just to get to where she was.

Seeing Xiao Yuqian made Jing Xi feel bad, and tears filled her eyes too.

Jing Xi felt that Xiao Yuqian wasn't like she thought. Unlike the strong woman that Xiao Yuqian was portrayed as, she was more of an emotional person.

After chatting for a while, Huo Yunshen suggested going to other places. Xiao Yuqian saw them off with a smile.