Filled With A Desire For Answers

Feeling pain in his heart, he knelt down on the floor and took her into his embrace to comfort her. She didn't do anything to resist, just staying quiet and letting him comfort her however he wanted.

After that, he brought her up to sit on the sofa. She was very obedient and didn't say a word.

"You haven't washed your face yet, right?"

He realized her hair was very messy so he helped her tidy it up.

"Let's go. I will help you wash up."

Huo Yunshen helped her up and led her back to the bedroom. No matter what he did, she no longer looked timid and she no longer rejected his kindness towards her.

Her eyes looked like they were filled with a desire for answers all the time. When he turned around, she would sneak a glance at his back.

If… if she was really Jing Xi… then, he would be her most beloved husband!

Could this hypothesis hold water?