Going Home

"What?" both Jing Ruyue and Helian Wei exclaimed. "Where is she?"

Huo Yunshen turned to look at Jing Xi. Jing Ruyue and Helian Wei also looked where Huo Yunshen was looking and could only see Jin Xiaoxi.

But Jing Ruyue realized why Huo Yunshen was looking at her. She covered her mouth with her hands and walked towards Jing Xi.

"Yan… Yanyan?"

Jing Xi's face was already filled with tears as she looked at her parents. She could tell they were important to her when she met them at the hospital last time.

Because they were her parents.


Jing Xi called out to her mother. Even though her face and voice had changed, Jing Ruyue instantly knew that the one standing before her was her daughter.

"Yanyan… You really are my Yanyan…"

Jing Ruyue cried as she hugged her daughter.

Helian Wei walked over and hugged both his wife and daughter together.