Sticking Together

Almost all of the servants were servicing Jing Xi for the past four months which resulted in her gaining a lot of weight.

When Jing Xi stood on the scale after showering, she couldn't believe the number that was on the scale.

60 kgs.

"Oh, shit! Am I a pig now?" Jing Xi exclaimed as she stared at the number and realized the reason was that Huo Yunshen had been making a lot of food for her lately.

"What? You're not fat! Even if you become a pig, you'll be the cutest pig in the world."

Huo Yunshen laughed as he hugged Jing Xi from behind.

"You know it's your fault, right?" Jing Xi scolded. "I have to go on a diet tomorrow!"

"Diet? Sure thing. But you can start losing weight now too." Huo Yunshen smiled as he picked her up. "I'll do my best to help you exercise."

And as Huo Yunshen had said, Jing Xi got a great "workout" and passed out from fatigue after that.