
Jing Xi let out a breath of relief after hearing what her family and friends had said.

"You're back…"

Huo Yunshen gasped as he pulled Jing Xi into his arms.

"You're as beautiful as ever," Ye Xun praised.

"Thank you." Jing Xi smiled.

Everyone was happy, including the children who saw their mother regain her original face.

"Mommy! You're so pretty!" the children cried out as they hugged their mother.

Even the seven-month-old Little Strawberry extended her little arms wanting her mother's hug.

"Can she recognize me?" Jing Xi asked as she took Little Strawberry from Lan Yi.

"Come on. Let's go home," Huo Yunshen said.

"Yay! We can go home with mommy!" the children cheered.

The two boys hopped in front of their father while Ying Bao held his hand. With Little Strawberry in Jing Xi's arms, the family went back home happily.

A row of luxurious cars was waiting outside the hospital.