
"Ye Xun! What are you trying to do?" Huo Sanyan questioned angrily.

"Yanyan… I'm hungry…" Ye Xun pleaded.

"Hungry? Then let me get some more congee for you. There's still some left in the pot," Huo Sanyan said.

Why would I want some burnt congee? I want you! Ye Xun thought.

"I don't want some congee. I want you," Ye Xun said as he sat on top of Huo Sanyan.

"Hey! You're still sick! What are you trying to do?"

Huo Sanyan tried to push Ye Xun away, but his grip was stronger than usual. There was no way she could match his strength.

Realizing something was off, Huo Sanyan scolded, "Don't tell me you were pretending to be sick all this time!"

"I was really sick."

"Bullshit! Have you ever seen someone at full strength while they were sick?"

"… Yanyan, don't reject me…"

"Stop! Ye Xun! Not tonight…"

"But, I want you…"

Ye Xun wanted all of her.

He wanted her all for himself.