
Without any other choices left, Ye Xun thought of phoning someone for help.

But his phone was on the bedside table, and his arms were still tied.

Unable to reach the table with his hands, Ye Xun turned and used his legs. Luckily enough, he had long legs and was able to grab his phone.

Ye Xun laughed as he thought he finally could get free… until he found out the battery was drained from excessive gaming the day before.

Ye Xun stared at his phone helplessly as he was left with one choice left: JS's distress call device.

As soon as the device was activated, the HQ of JS was notified that one of their VIPs was in distress. They immediately sent out a team that was deployed in the Dragon Kingdom to perform a rescue mission.

When the best of JS kicked Ye Xun's door down, they were all stunned by what they saw.

What did they see?