His Loss

Huo Sanyan felt really depressed suddenly, as she was the one who wanted the break up to happen. She was the one who dumped Ye Xun, but she felt like she was being dumped.

Huo Sanyan stood up after crying and took a deep breath. She kept telling herself to stay strong and not cry.

She also told herself that it was only a breakup and nothing else.

After calming herself down, Huo Sanyan decided to go out. She could not stay down because of the breakup, and had to live better instead to let Ye Xun see that her leaving was his loss.

Huo Sanyan changed her clothes and went to the salon to get her hair washed. She couldn't do it herself because of the wound on her forehead and had to seek professional help.

She also changed her hairstyle before leaving for the hospital to visit Xiao Miao.

Xiao Miao had already woken up. Other than her arms and neck not being able to move, Xiao Miao was fine.