Bad Technique

Ning Luoxiao managed to hear what Bai Yanchuan was saying, and it made her jump a little. She was convinced that Bai Yanchuan thought that he'd made out with Huo Sanyan the night before.

Ning Luoxiao was relieved that Bai Yanchuan did not find out it was her, but at the same time, she was a little disappointed too.

They ate their breakfast as Ye Xun came in a dozen minutes later.

The first thing Ye Xun looked for was the table Huo Sanyan was sitting at. Noticing that Bai Yanchuan and Ning Luoxiao were with Huo Sanyan too, Ye Xun frowned and walked over to them, sitting down next to Ning Luoxiao.

The atmosphere at the table was very awkward.

Ye Xun kept his head down throughout breakfast and did not interact with anyone.

Huo Sanyan had also kept her mouth shut ever since ye Xun arrived.

What happened the night before made Huo Sanyan embarrassed for herself, and she had no idea how to face Ning Luoxiao.