A Big Pervert

"You can let go now!" Huo Sanyan said with full confidence.

"Are you sure?" Ye Xun asked suspiciously.

"There's nothing hard about riding horses!" Huo Sanyan said proudly.

"You're not wrong. As long as you think of how you always ride me, then it'll be easy."

Ye Xun blurted this out without thinking, and his words stunned Huo Sanyan.

She never expected that Ye Xun would make a metaphor like that.

That moment, Huo Sanyan could only look at Ye Xun like he was a big pervert.

"Whatever! Just let go!" Huo Sanyan scolded, deciding not to talk to Ye Xun anymore.

She then kicked the horse and rode off.

Ye Xun quickly grabbed a horse for himself and chased after her, as he was worried.

It was true that Huo Sanyan knew the basics of riding a horse, but what she didn't know was how to control the speed.

Probably because she'd kicked the horse too hard, the horse was increasing its speed.