She Was Behind It

After hearing Jing Xi's plan, Ye Xun found his confidence again. He left Huo Sanyan in Jing Xi's care and left for war.

After making sure Ye Xun had left, Jing Xi went to the room Huo Sanyan was staying at.

When Huo Sanyan heard footsteps approaching her, she thought that Ye Xun has returned.

"Ye Xun! Don't you dare come in! I don't want to see you again!" Huo Sanyan scolded.

"Calm down, it's me," Jing Xi laughed.

Hearing Jing Xi's voice, Huo Sanyan turned around. Even though she didn't say anything, it was clear from her expression that she was angry at Jing Xi too.

Huo Sanyan was furious because Jing Xi was actually the one behind everything.

"Hey, don't stare at me like that," Jing Xi laughed wryly. "I admit I was in the wrong this time. Please don't blame Ye Xun."