The Particularities Of This Industry

Director Yang showed an unmistakable smile. "So what you mean is, just because you want to show your value, other people don't need to show theirs? Do you know what your position is right now? What is your identity?"

"Hou Yan, I am… an intern reporter," Huo Sanyan replied.

"Since you are an intern, you need to listen to your leader's instructions. You will go do interviews wherever I send you to go. Don't complain, as it is no use. Look at the group; all of them have more experience than you. As a newcomer, is it appropriate for you to fight for news opportunities with your seniors?"

Director Yang had many complaints about this "newcomer." Not only was she not sensible, but she also was not considerate either.

She was just a new intern reporter so why was she trying to steal the limelight?

Huo Sanyan couldn't respond. She was an entertainment reporter in the past so she knew the particularities of this industry very clearly.