
"Yes…" Huo Sanyan nodded as she felt the same way too.

Now that Huo Sanyan thought of it, being able to meet Ye Xun was all because of Jing Xi.

"Jing Xi, I really have to thank you," Huo Sanyan confessed. "If not for you, I would never have gotten the chance to meet him, and we could never be where we are now. You have been helping us a lot and… really, thank you so much."

"Come on, aren't we a family?" Jing Xi smiled. "Plus, all of us are hoping that you can get married soon and lead a happy life. With this, Yunshen can stop worrying about you, and everyone in heaven can rest well too."

"You're right." Huo Sanyan smiled back and turned to the attendant. "Can you help me take this off, I want to save it for the actual date."

The attendant nodded and asked, "Is there any alterations Miss Huo might want? We can alter the dress to suit any of your needs."

"No, thank you, it's perfect."