After Clearing Up The Misunderstanding

"Why did the two of them suddenly get married? That is what I'm more curious about." Ye Xun pondered it.

"It started when we were at the holiday villa before. On that night, you got drunk and accidentally entered my room, and Bai Yanchuan accidentally entered your room. He then did it with Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao got pregnant that night. I got pregnant on that night as well," Huo Sanyan explained.

Ye Xun thought about it carefully. Didn't this mean Bai Yanchuan didn't sleep with him that night?

The person Bai Yanchuan slept with was Ning Luoxiao. Moreover, the person whom he slept with in Huo Sanyan's room was his own woman?

That was definitely it!

The baby in Huo Sanyan's tummy was also conceived that night. Didn't that mean they had relations?

Oh my god… after Ye Xun cleared up the misunderstanding, everything became clear at once.