Not Officially Married Yet

"That's more like it," Huo Sanyan said.

She'd decided to give Bai Yanchuan more time and move according to his actions.

Ning Luoxiao came out from the care room and realized everyone else was standing at the door.

"Are you done too?" Ning Luoxiao asked.

"Yep!" Huo Sanyan replied and showed Ning Luoxiao her report. "Look at this! I got twins!"

"Really? That's great news! You guys are so lucky!"

"You aren't doing that bad yourself. You are pregnant, and you also found the baby's father again." Huo Sanyan smiled and looked at Bai Yanchuan.

Bai Yanchuan looked at Ning Luoxiao and her looking back at him. They weren't as excited as Ye Xun or Huo Sanyan was.

"Here's your report," Bai Yanchuan said while waving the report in his hand.

Ning Luoxiao walked up to Bai Yanchuan and took the report from him.

After making sure everything was fine, she said, "All right, let's go then."