Gripped One’s Heart

The pain was so severe she almost fainted. However, she would need to experience that heart and bone piercing pain once again during the surgical suture.

That kind of pain really took the life out of her.

She could be considered lucky that she didn't die on the delivery bed.

The second child was a girl. As she had stayed in the body for a longer amount of time, when the child came out, she was lacking oxygen and she was purple all over. Looking at her really made one's heart feel pain.

It was only after the doctor rescued the child that the child could finally be saved. However, the child needed to immediately live in an incubator and be further observed. She had no way of going back beside her parents.

Ye Xun kept on waiting for the second child. He finally received news from the nurse that the second child was a girl. Although he received the news she had been born, he really couldn't feel happy.