Nothing For Her To Do

"Home is the best!" Huo Sanyan lay on her bed and sighed happily.

"No, a home with you and the kids is the best." Ye Xun smiled.

The couple looked at each other, and Ye Xun pressed his head forward, wanting to kiss his wife. But before their lips could touch, the baby boy started crying.

Ye Xun quickly jumped off the bed to calm his son down. When he returned to the bed to kiss his wife again, their daughter started crying next.

Ye Xun was going nuts as he wondered if the kids were just there to spoil his mood.

He finally managed to get the babies to sleep. Yet, before he could do anything, one of the maids knocked and told them their guests had arrived.

"Wait here, I'll go see who's here," Ye Xun said and kissed his wife briefly before running downstairs.

Jing Xi and Huo Yunshen had brought their children to visit since they were bugging their parents to bring them to see the babies.