Waiting For Her To Give In

She dived into the water once again when the two bodyguards got closer.

The two bodyguards searched through the entire garden but couldn't find Xiao Yuqian. They were sure she was still in the garden and that she hadn't left the hotel.

At this time, they saw Ma Haodong beside the swimming pool. They came and asked, "Mister, have you seen a woman who is about this tall and is wearing blue clothes?"

Ma Haodong glanced at them and then said, "Yeah, she ran that way."

"Okay, thank you."

The two of them ran towards the wrong direction he pointed at to look for her. There was still no movement on the surface of the water and Ma Haodong said, "They are gone, you can come out now!"

Xiao Yuqian finally emerged. It was only after she was sure the bodyguards were already gone that she swam towards the edge of the pool.

"How will you thank me?" Ma Haodong's lips lifted up and he asked.