Itâ€TMs Him

Li Dacheng finally got his hands on the beauty. He tore Xiao Yuqian's shirt impatiently and started to lick her pale skin.

Xiao Yuqian closed her eyes in pain. She was helpless.

Not only could she not save her family, but she also had to give up her body to a pig.

Just as she thought all hope was lost, the door was kicked open. The guards that were outside were thrown into the room and crashed into the table.

Surprised by the commotion, Li Dacheng raised his head and saw a man in a black windbreaker standing at the door.

Li Dacheng did not recognize who the man was, but it was clear that the man was there to spoil his plan.

"What are you doing? Get him!" Li Dacheng roared at his guards.

The guards rushed towards the man, but he wasn't intimidated. He put on his brass knuckles and started to punch every guard that got near him in the stomach.

In just a few seconds, all eight guards were put down by the man.