Real Intention

"I have a video of us doing it, wanna see?" Ma Haodong smirked.


Xiao Yuqian had no idea when he'd taken a video of them.

Ma Haodong pressed the play button, and Xiao Yuqian could hear her satisfied moans from the video.

Embarrassed by it, Xiao Yuqian tried to snatch the phone away.

But Ma Haodong raised the phone high in the air and just stared at her. Xiao Yuqian also stared back. They just keep looking at each other as if time had stopped.

It wasn't until the moans got louder that Xiao Yuqian finally came back to her senses.

"You pervert!"

"What? I saved you so many times, and that's how you repay me? Calling me a pervert?"

"I'm just stating the truth!"

"Hey! I didn't force you, you know? You were the one who was in the lead, and you even took away my first time."


Xiao Yuqian could feel her face burning up.