Pained Her

"Lanlan, are you sure?" Xiao Yuqian asked. "Su Jimo went through a lot to get to where he is today… This scandal has already affected his fame, you leaving him will only break him."

Nie Zhenglan stirred her coffee and remained silent for a while.

She then raised her head and said, "I'm sure. I have been in his shadow all the time so that he could succeed. I left my family, lost my friends… I've sacrificed way too much for him, to the point where I forgot that I need someone to give me the love the way I gave it to him."

Xiao Yuqian could see the balance in their relationship had been toppled.

"I know, but he's an actor, he has to live in front of a camera for the rest of his life. He can't defy the company either. You can't blame him if he can't be with you all the time…"