One Of A Kind

Ma Haodong smiled but didn't say anything. He then grabbed Xiao Yuqian's hand and guided her away from the restaurant.

"Hey! Where are you taking me?" Xiao Yuqian scolded as she pulled her hand back.

Ma Haodong stopped and pulled a set of car keys out. He pushed the button on it and unlocked a car near them.

Xiao Yuqian turned and saw her previous car sitting not far from her.

She turned to Ma Haodong like she'd seen a ghost and asked, "Why… Why is my car here?"

"That? That's my car now."

Ma Haodong smiled and pulled open the shotgun door for Xiao Yuqian.

Xiao Yuqian finally realized what had happened after she got into the car.

The one who had bought her car for the full amount without requesting anything was Ma Haodong.

He'd spent quite a small fortune to help her save her father.

Xiao Yuqian was touched by what he did for her.

"Why? Why did you do it?"