
Xiao Yuqian immediately stopped when she heard what Ma Haodong said.

"Didn't you tell me you deleted all the videos? Why do you still have them?"

Xiao Yuqian turned around and asked this.

Ma Haodong had deleted all the videos, but he didn't tell her that since he wanted her to stay.

"This is an invasion of privacy!" Xiao Yuqian scolded. "I can sue you; you know that, right?"

Ma Haodong only smiled at Xiao Yuqian no matter how much she scolded him. Xiao Yuqian realized that whenever she was dealing with Ma Haodong, she could not keep her calm.

But she already knew what kind of person Ma Haodong was. He was the type of person that would do anything to get what he wanted.

Xiao Yuqian was a woman, and she cared about appearances a lot. After thinking it through carefully, Xiao Yuqian didn't have many choices left.

"Fine! I'll move in! But there are going to be rules!"