
Xiao Yuqian drove to the hospital. Her father had already woken up, and Xiao Yuqian told him about the recent events. When Xiao Guohua heard that the crisis was over, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry for troubling you…" Xiao Guohua smiled.

"It's okay. Your health is more important than anything else. The surgery is set for two days from now. You'll feel better by then."

Xiao Guohua nodded and asked, "How's your aunt and Xinxin?"

"They are doing great. Don't worry about them."

"I see. What do you know about the company that invested in us?" Xiao Guohua then asked.

"I have no idea. The president didn't want us to know who he is." Xiao Yuqian shrugged.

They chatted for a while until it was lunchtime, and Xiao Yuqian went out to buy her father some food.

Unfortunately for her, she met two of the people she hated the most in the elevator.

Li Muhao and his new model girlfriend, Danni, were standing in the elevator, flirting.