Hide It Well

"Did you pay for dinner?" Xiao Yuqian turned to ask Guan Hao.

"No." Guan Hao shook his head.

"Then who did?"

The waiter then told them it was paid by a Mr. Ma. They immediately realized it was Ma Haodong who had paid for it.

Xiao Yuqian decided to pay him back later, as she did not want to owe him anything.

Ma Haodong had to return to the Ma mansion after dinner. His driver was already waiting outside the restaurant to pick him up. After Ma Haodong had left, Guan Hao asked if Xiao Yuqian wanted to go for a movie, but she declined, as her father was still in the hospital.

Xiao Yuqian then drove Xiao Yuxin back to their home.

"I have a small favor to ask," Xiao Yuqian pleaded on their way home. "Can you help introduce me to Ma Haodong?"

"I thought you two were already acquainted?"

"Not in that way… I mean… You know…," Xiao Yuxin said while blushing.