She Actually Figured Out It Was Him

"Qianqian, is there a need to be so heartless? I know I said some hurtful words when we broke up but I only said them in anger when I heard you became someone's sugar baby. You have to believe me, I was with you for three years. There's no way I don't have any feelings for you."

Li Muhao started to beg for forgiveness. His ability to twist things around was really worth admiring.

"Stop disgusting me, Li Muhao. Even if all the men in this world died, I wouldn't go back to you."

Xiao Yuqian got ready to get into the car and leave, but Li Muhao grabbed his wrist again, not letting her leave.

And it was at this time that Xiao Yuqian heard a bang next to her ear. Li Muhao let go of her wrist and his body couldn't help but fall onto the floor.

She turned to look and it was actually Ma Haodong!

Xiao Yuqian looked at him in shock and saw that his face was emitting a threatening aura, a murderous spirit lingering around his body.