Have A Hard Time Swallowing His Resentment

"It was him!"

Danni pointed at Ma Haodong and started to complain to Li Muhao.

Li Muhao looked over and realized the person Danni pointed at was that brat who beat him up before. A flame couldn't help but emerge in his heart.

He saw he was with Xiao Yuqian again. They appeared to be getting along well and it really made Li Muhao feel so irritated that he could die.

When he dated her in the past, he never felt Xiao Yuqian looked good. That's why he didn't even have the interest to touch her.

Now that they broke up, why did he feel Xiao Yuqian became prettier the more he looked at her?

If he had known, he would've played with that woman Xiao Yuqian until she was spoiled during the three years they dated. But it ended up with that brat getting the benefits.