He Was Caught Unprepared

The more she contributed, the less she received. He was so busy that she couldn't see him for the entire day and he didn't contact her at all. Even her wedding anniversary and birthdays were spent by herself. Experiencing many times of getting disappointed after waiting would make people feel despair and sadness.

Their marriage had already changed. When he went home once it was as if he was staying at a hotel. And she, on the other hand, was like his diligentz full-time, twenty-four hours a day nanny. She couldn't feel love or care. That's why she felt disappointed time after time. In the end, she chose to give up.

The last time it happened, the time that caused her to suggest getting a divorce, was when she got sick. She was very sick. She called him and begged him to come back. However, he said he would go back after he finished attending an award ceremony.