Can’t Throw Me Away Just Because Of One Candy

At the lakeside villa.

When Ma Haodong returned, he saw that Xiao Yuqian was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Xiao Yuqian heard sounds, came out, and saw he was back. He had an expression of dejection and she could already guess that there was an eighty percent chance that he suffered a major blow.

Just before, she received a call from her boss, President He. He tactfully advised her that President Ma of the Rongma Group already knew about her and Ma Haodong. He hoped she could control herself and not get romantically tangled up with the artists.

Xiao Yuqian came over and asked with concern, "You really went to see your father?"

"Of course I really went!"

"He doesn't approve, right?"

"How did you know?"

"I can tell just by looking at your expression. It is written all over your face!"

"Sigh…" Ma Haodong sighed and collapsed onto the sofa.