She’s Back

"I'm sorry…"

Ma Haodong's heart was broken too, but he couldn't explain that he wasn't involved in Xiao Yuche's death either.

"Do you think just because you're sorry that my brother will come back? Leave! I don't ever want to see you again!"

Xiao Yuqian scolded him and turned her head as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Ma Haodong tried to walk towards her. He wanted to hug and comfort her.

But Xiao Yuqian turned back and glared at Ma Haodong. "One more step and I'll die with my brother!"

Ma Haodong immediately stopped moving.

Xiao Yuqian didn't say anything further. She walked past Ma Haodong as if they were strangers. At that moment, both of their hearts were broken.

With Xiao Yuche's death hanging between them, they didn't know how to face each other ever again.

Xiao Yuqian then found a new apartment to live in. Ma Haodong would appear outside her apartment every night, wanting to find a chance to redeem himself.