Not A Fake Name

"Helping Ma Haodong is not my decision," Xiao Yuqian replied. "It's the boss's idea."

Huh… What do you mean by boss?

Do you think I'm a fool?

Guan Hao's excitement was also dampened. "Fine, just take it that I'm being paranoid! I just want to remind President Xiao not to make the same mistake again. Also, regarding Ma Haodong, you should ask someone else to take over!"

The conversation ended unhappily.

Guan Hao refused to help Ma Haodong with public relations. In the end, Xiao Yuqian could only go on stage herself and release an artist statement to the public.

They claimed that Ma Haodong was an artist under Jingyue and that they would hold a press conference to clarify the truth behind the case.

Ma Haodong's press conference was held as scheduled.

Guan Hao was absent and it was Xiao Yuqian who was leading the public relations team today.