
"Mom, I know that even if I apologize ten thousand times, it won't make up for the harm I've done to the Yi family. The person I'm most sorry for is Yi Xiao…"

"Enough! Don't say anything! Just leave! Our Yi family doesn't want a daughter-in-law like you who doesn't know her place. Return and divorce Yi Xiao! Please let him go! My son can still find another suitable partner, at least a girl with a clean family background, and not a woman like you who's just here to make up the numbers."

Fang Xiaocheng could not stop her tears from falling.

She knew that this day would come sooner or later and was slightly prepared mentally. At this time, she bowed deeply to the two silent old men in the room.

With tears in her eyes, she said, "Dad, Mom, no matter what, thank you for taking care of me and Beibei for the past five years. I will always remember it. Thank you!"