Unwilling To Open Her Heart To Him

"Don't think like that, Orange! Didn't we agree to forget everything in the past and cherish the present? I don't care what happened to you in the past. At least in my heart, you are the most perfect you. I chose to be with you and never felt that you were a burden to me. No, I love Beibei. I treat him as my biological son. Beibei loves me very much too. He has always treated me as his biological father. We are already family. How can we separate just like that?"

Yi Xiao was heartbroken. He did not know what he had to do to change her heart.

"I know that you treat him as your own son, but in the end, he is not your biological son. He does not have the blood of the Yi family on him, and he will never be a member of the Yi family."

Fang Xiaocheng finally lost control of her emotions as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Don't talk about those useless things. Tell me, is it because you still can't forget Dazhi?"

How should she put it?