Finally Settled

Yi Xiao did not go to look for Fang Xiaocheng immediately. He was currently involved in a scandal. He had to solve his problem first before he could face her.

Yi Xiao returned to the company and met with Wandou.

Wandou and the others had already gathered some evidence and had also gotten the hotel's surveillance video. Yi Xiao had seen the surveillance video and roughly knew what had happened last night.

He also saw Fang Xiaocheng coming to the hotel with clothes for him. When Guan Mei opened the door, the two women were talking.

Shortly after Fang Xiaocheng entered, she left in a huff and slammed the door. This scene hurt Yi Xiao.

He could imagine how hurt Fang Xiaocheng must have been at that time. That was why she was so heartless to her.

After he finished watching the video, Wandou said, "We have all the evidence and information we need here. But when Guan Mei didn't pick up the phone when we called her. What should we do?"