I Love You So Much

Wasn't this Lu Nan completely denying Yi Xiao's style of management?

Fang Xiaocheng had not interacted much with Lu Nan, and she could not easily judge him. At this moment, she asked Wandou, "Do you have a place to stay?"

"No, I used to live in the company's dormitory. Now that I've left my job, I definitely have to move out of the dormitory. I plan to find a place to stay first."

Fang Xiaocheng had always treated Wandou as a good sister. They had been getting along very well these past few years. They would usually gather together on weekends or eat at home.

"If you don't mind, why don't you move in with me?"

"How can I? It's not appropriate for me to stay at your house, right?"

"I'm renting a house outside now. Beibei and I are the only two living in it. There's an extra empty room for you."

"That's great! Sister Orange, you've solved a huge problem for me. I love you so much!"

Wandou smiled.