Something Unusual

"He's abroad now!"

"But why did some kids call my dad a murderer?"

"Your father is not a murderer. Don't listen to other people's nonsense. Your father is the best father in the world. He will not do anything bad. He has never killed anyone. He is a hero. It's just that he is in some trouble now."

Fang Xiaocheng patiently explained to her son.

Yi Bei nodded.

"Go to sleep. When you wake up, Daddy might be back in a few days."

Yi Bei lay down and closed his eyes obediently. Fang Xiaocheng kissed her son's forehead before lying down again.

But all she could think of was Yi Xiao.

The court would be held the following day. She hoped that everything would go well and that Yi Xiao could hold on.

Beibei and I are waiting for you!

Everyone knew about Yi Xiao.