
The girl named Xue Ziqi glanced at Mu Chenguang before standing up and greeting the others.

Wandou finally knew the name of the woman next to Mu Chenguang. Xue Ziqi was a new singer in Mu Chenguang's music company. It was no wonder Chenguang Music had been promoting this newcomer recently. She was Mu Chenguang's girlfriend!

For some reason, Wandou felt very upset. She felt bitter and wanted to leave the scene.

But at this time, they were also called out. Xiao Yuqian said, "Wandou seems to have brought a partner too. Why don't you introduce this handsome guy?"

"His name is Luo Fanchuan."

After giving Luo Fanchuan a look, Luo Fanchuan generously stood up and introduced himself. Everyone knew that his family had invested in the Luo Group, and he was a rich young master.

"Wandou, when are you guys getting married?" Xiao Yuqian asked.