
After struggling for the whole night, Wandou finally decided not to go. She was not a masochist. If she went, she would have to face Mu Chenguang every day. That guy might torture her.

In order to be safe, she decided to find another company.

Ever since she left her job, many headhunting companies had contacted her and introduced her to some positions that matched her qualifications. She also selected a few from them and planned to go for an interview.

The next morning, Wandou woke up early and tidied herself up. She took her resume and documents and planned to go for an interview at a relatively large media company.

However, just as she left the neighborhood, she received a call from Mu Chenguang. He sounded unhappy and asked where she was.

"Stop waiting! I'm not going! I've already found a job. I'll go for the interview today!"

Wandou shouted into the phone and hung up. She hailed a taxi.