A Bad Reason

In the end, Wandou gave the answer. In this way, she did not directly reject him, nor did she agree on the spot. It could be said that she was giving President Yi and his wife face and also giving herself a way out.

After dinner, they chatted for more than an hour before Wandou and Mu Chenguang got up to leave.

Fang Xiaocheng sent the guests off and coaxed her son to take an afternoon nap. Then she began to pack the things she needed for her trip.

"I wonder if Wandou will agree to go!" Fang Xiaocheng was still worried about Wandou and Mu Chenguang.

"Don't worry. My instincts tell me that with Mu Chenguang's shamelessness, he will definitely be able to handle Wandou."

Yi Xiao hugged his wife from behind and kissed her. He said, "I'm just too shy. That's why I let you be arrogant for so long. If I had known, I would've taken you down sooner!"